
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Story+Art: Chicka Chicka ABC

I love the idea of connecting crafts with books, two of our favorite activities!  I read here on A Mommy's Adventures how they created an apple tree to go along with Chicka Chicka 1,2,3.  Well, Serenity loves that book, but we had just checked out Chicka Chicka ABC from the library so I decided to adapt their project for my two year old and for that book.  So we made a coconut tree!  Actually we made three coconut trees because Serenity LOVED this activity so much!  I traced her hands onto green sticky foam, and cut them out, along with shapes for the trunk and some brown coconuts.  Then Serenity got to use her stickers!  Then I pulled out the letter stickers so she could have letters climbing up her coconut tree, and she asked me for each letter in order.  Great practice!  And a great fine motor skills activity as well, placing those little stickers isn't easy!

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