We have a little bit of a rainbow obsession going on here right now. Serenity absolutely loves to organize things. She lines up all the instruments in music class by type, she groups animals, but her favorite thing is to sort by color. She makes towers of legos all in the same colors, and she just loves matching! So it's no surprise that we do a lot of rainbow crafts and activities. Here are some of our favorites:
Right after we got the
markers in the mail, I came up with this little activity. I drew lines in a rainbow arc and encouraged her to mark on the lines. I was really surprised that she was able to do this so well, as she wasn't even two at the time. This rainbow is my favorite of her first year art projects =)
Recently I got some brightly colored stickers in the Target Dollar Spot (my very favorite place to shop) and I gave Serenity a big pile of them to sort by color. She had a blast with this, and even decided that she needed her penguins all lined up on the same color wave.
We also made some rainbow cupcakes, as found on
Family Fun. We didn't even bother icing them, they were delicious and cute =)
Here are a few of our favorite rainbow books! What Makes a Rainbow
Duckie's Rainbow
Fairy Colors
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