
Monday, November 15, 2010

Party Idea: Thanksgiving on a Stick

Party Idea:  Thanksgiving on a Stick

When we lived in California, every Thanksgiving we would have two dinners, one with Eric’s family and one with friends.  I got to help out a lot with the cooking for the friend dinner, and it was a blast because Patricia and I would try to come up with some sort of twist so the food was a little different than the traditional meal so no one got tired of having the same food twice.  Although I never get tired of turkey.  Still, it’s fun to play! 

One year we decided to have Thanksgiving on a Stick.  We made turkey kabobs, and put turkey, cranberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even corn on the cob right on to the skewers!  We just used our favorite turkey marinade to keep the meat moist.  It was fun and so very easy!  I think the only problem was the potatoes weren’t quite as done as I usually like, next time I will probably par-boil them for a few minutes first so they get done at the same time as everything else.  We made a gravy and cranberry sauce for dipping. 

And for dessert, of course we had fondue!  Marshmallows, rice krispie treats, and various fruit!  We did a basic chocolate, but it might be fun to try this Spiked Cranberry Orange Fondue (maybe make pumpkin bars to dip in it, yum!) or Mexican Hot Chocolate.  


  1. Neat idea. I think my guys would love this one.

  2. Great idea! Why didn't I think of that? But you did! Love it!
    Thanks for sharing,
    Suzie @
