
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dora Pillow

Well, after organizing my office closet like crazy and getting rid of a lot of extra stuff, I have a nice list of projects that need to get finished, preferably before my baby boy arrives in May!  I already showed off one long project, recovering the chair, so I’ll just share a quick glimpse of an easy one that I did Sunday.  A Dora pillow for Serenity’s new pink and purple room.  This was by far the best pillowcase I’ve ever made.  Normally I just kind of sewed it, leaving raw edges and other craziness on the inside!  Well, I decided to look at some real pillow patterns this time, and discovered the wonder of a French Seam!  I won’t try to describe it, because it is perfectly detailed here at Lazy Girl Designs.  I just love the name of her blog,  I would fit right in there. =)  Well, Serenity could hardly wait for me to finish sewing it before she wanted to run off with it, so here it is, actually in use =)  It matches her monkey blankie nicely!

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