
Friday, March 25, 2011

Felt Cake!

Felt Cake

Well, this project was one of the major ones on my list!  I bought supplies for this around six MONTHS ago!  Talk about procrastinating.  I think the idea of cutting into the foam just made me scared.  It was not nearly as difficult as I feared.  Just like Lier at (where I found the pattern) said, it was easy but time-consuming.  So basically, the first night all I did was cut out the foam.  And then I got lazy AGAIN!  So the next morning my daughter finds the foam wedges and circles and LOVES them.  She makes them into beautiful cakes using her scarves, and sand castles, and mountains.  And I’m thinking, “hmmm, do I really need to do anything else?”  So I waited a bit for the fascination to die down and then I finally got around to actually sewing the casings for them. 

And she loves it even more!  Her reaction was priceless.  All I finished was one wedge of the cake, and she said, “Thank you for my cake Mama!  Thank you thank you than you, I loooove my cake.”  She’s getting very dramatic, it’s fun =) 

So I made two layers, one with wedges so she can serve cake to her guests, and one just solid.  My foam was four inches instead of the three recommended, because I just grabbed what looked good at Jo-ann’s when I saw it on sale. 

I didn’t make two layers that had slices like she did, mostly because I know I’ll spend a lot of time putting it back together.  If I did make another layer, I would do it like this one so I had a place to put all the little felt pieces.  Serenity loved decorating with the felt hearts especially. =)  When I showed her the completed layers, she wanted candles immediately so we had to build some out of legos. =)  I sewed the actual candles last night, and so I now declare this project complete.  Checkmark for me!  Woo hoo!

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