
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Art Mosaic… or the most tedious project ever =)

Well, I suppose going into it I knew that gluing down more than a thousand one inch squares was going to be time consuming.  The real problem was that I didn’t stick with it when I first got the inspiration from Remodelholic… oh about eight months ago =)  There isn’t a good scrapbook store in my area, and I just wasn’t content with what I found at the chain stores… so it took me months to collect the paper. 

Then, I sat down to cut out squares…  which took a long time by itself.  Then I did a sample to try and decide which one I liked best… eventually I decided I preferred it to have almost no patterned paper, just the watercolory ones and solid ones.  But I dithered so long I lost the momentum.  So the paper sat in baggies for a few more weeks…

Less Patterns

Least Patterns

Most Patterns

less patterns, more blue

And then, the gluing.  Which I did during the day a little, but Serenity really wanted to help.  It was a blast, with her gluing collages while I glued my squares, but she didn’t want to keep doing it as long as I needed to =)  And, sitting in one place isn’t exactly easy on the joints right now at 38 weeks.  So, this might be a great project for someone with a little more focus than me =)  And hey, didn’t it turn out nice?  So it probably goes in the “never again” file… who needs more than one giant Pottery Barn inspired mosaic?  Give me a few months and maybe I’d consider it =)  Now I just need to hang it… unfortunately not a job I can do myself!  I see more procrastinating in my future.

1 comment:

  1. WOW that is a lot of cutting! I like the combination of patterns and blue that you ended up with! I bet you will always remember being 38 weeks and doing this. :)

    Popping over from 504 Main linky party!
