
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blue Room Complete!

I finally finished the last few details on the blue room, including filling all those frames!  I thought it would take longer, yay for nesting I suppose!  I do have a few placeholders because I didn't want to fill everything before the baby boy gets here, so his ultrasound pics are in one and one shadowbox just has some fabric in it.  But it looks finished =)

I also covered the piano bench.  As a reminder, it used to be a golden yellowy color...  
And now it's blue!
Yeah, ignore the sun pillow.  It's a key part of my pillow tower that my eighth month of pregnancy seems to require, I didn't even notice it when I was taking this pic!  It was a very simple re-upholstery job, I just took off the yellow fabric and added the blue, reusing the old foam as it was fine.  I didn't tuft it, although I may go back and do it later.  I wanted to see how I liked it flat for a while.  Reattaching the seat by myself was the hardest part, but I was determined to earn that checkmark!!!

And the final detail, which I have wanted for SO long, a capiz chandelier!  I got mine from pottery barn teen and I love it!  It gives such a nice light for reading, and I like the sound of capiz shells if I open the window for a breeze too!  Perfect for my little reading nook.  

hmmm, probably should deal with that cord eh? 

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