
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rainbow Birthday Invitation

I’m starting to gear up for the next big party around here, Serenity’s 3rd Birthday!  It’s still about six weeks away, but as today is my due date things are going to get crazy around here soon!  I’ve already begun collecting supplies and making lists.  And today, I sent out the invitation!  It wasn’t easy, mostly because I made four different ones that I had to choose from.  Here is the one that I finally decided on, and your first glimpse of the theme!  Rainbows!


And here are the runners-up.  I had lots of inspiration around the web, and switched all the cute polka dots you see everywhere to skittles =)  They are one of Serenity’s favorite candies, and since they have her letter on them they will definitely play a part in the party, although they didn’t make it on the invitation.

If I had gone with this one, I probably would have added the photostrip that I made for the rainbow birthday across the top.  And played with the fonts. =)

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