
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Curious George and The Man with the Yellow Hat.

Curious George and The Man with the Yellow Hat.

I nearly did this costume for Serenity’s first year, but finally decided on a flower fairy for her.  Hey, I don’t think I posted that here yet.  Something to look forward to!  Anyway, since then I’ve had this costume in my mind and so I’m so glad I got to do it this year!  Eric really makes the perfect Man with the Yellow Hat.  He’s so tall =)  And Donovan is a perfect monkey. 

The only thing that held me back from this costume is that I already have an adorable monkey outfit.  I got this sweater off Crazy 8 and still just adore it.  It’s cute, comfy, and useful, which I think makes it a perfect Halloween costume.  But since I want to give it my own touch, I decided to make George a little accessory: a banana!  I made it just like the tutorial here, except since it was for my baby I added a nice rattle.  I just took a drinking straw, filled it with quinoa (I didn’t have any rice, and besides, quinoa fit better in the straw.)   Then tucked that down inside the banana before stuffing.  It’s perfect!  And Donovan really likes it!  When Serenity isn’t running off with it.  She has lots of monkeys to feed besides Donovan. 

Today (last Thursday now) I finally got over my procrastination on the yellow hat.  I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to build it out of cardboard or what, but finally I decided that I needed to use some of that huge piece of yellow felt hanging out in my closet.  I stole it from my Mom to make Peeps but only finished one pink one last year.  So now it’s a yellow hat.  This tutorial worked just great, although since I did it in fleece, it’s a lot floppier so I stuffed the top part to make it stand up. 

If I get time I’ll add details, like yellow pants, maybe a tie, some black detailing, but the main point gets across already, it’s all about the Yellow Hat.


  1. What a great costume idea!


  2. I love this for a baby and parent costume combo!!
