
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stocking Stuffer: Peg Doll (Dora's Explorer Girls)

Stocking Stuffer Idea: Peg Dolls!

I’m so happy, I finally finished a handmade Christmas present for Serenity!  I kept procrastinating, but have finally switched into “get it done” mode.  So here they are, my peg dolls!

Serenity randomly found on Dora’s Explorer Girls.  Apparently, Dora grows up, moves to the big city, and totally forgets about Boots the monkey.  Very sad.  I will try to forgive her for selling out.  Anyway, she has a great group of girl friends, and Serenity loves them!  There doesn’t seem to be much out there for this show yet, maybe it’s new?  All we’ve seen is the game and the introduction to the girls. I actually like that more, because it means Serenity is making up all the adventures herself!  She tells us which explorer girl we are, and she is usually Naiya.  Then we explore, which ends up being follow the leader as she takes us wherever she can imagine! 

I printed some little pictures of the girls, and Serenity played with these for hours.  So I decided to paint these peg dolls for her.  I did six, for Dora, Naiya, Emma, Kate, Alana, and Serenity the Explorer Girl.  I painted Serenity’s yellow hair, blue eyes, and my favorite purple dress.  I loved Lier’s idea of painting peg dolls to commemorate favorite outfits.  I don’t know that I’ll make as many as she did, but we’ll see.  If Serenity loves them Christmas morning, maybe I’ll be inspired! 

Naiya's ponytail


Serenity in her Purple Girl dress

Alana... technically half these girls are wearing pants... I could try to add a line with a sharpie but I'm thinking it might look weird because of the doll shape...



(Process-wise, this is very easy to do.  You just paint it in stages, doing faces, main clothes colors, hair, and then details, waiting for it to dry in between.  It dries super fast though, so I got this all done in one particularly fine afternoon nap.  And I painted over the top with clear modge podge to seal it.  I used a chopstick and a cake tester for the really fine details, the brushes I had weren’t good enough for such small detail. 

Oh, and here's a pic of what the explorer girls should look like =)


  1. Very creative project.... you did good!

    Thanks for sharing :D

    Visiting via Feature Friday at Blissful & Domestic linky party,
    ~Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois

  2. So creative! I love it! Thanks for linking up and sharing!
