
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Super Hero T-shirt Refashion

My nephew Barrett asked me to make him a Captain America costume!!!  I'm so excited, not only because it's a fun project, but because he actually asked =)  I'm so happy he knows I like to make stuff!  So here's the beginning of my project, a basic t-shirt refashion!

I got 4 t-shirts at Michael's.  A blue one in his actual size (a little big so he can grow into it and I can add more cool stuff to it) and some XLs.  I cut strips from the bottom of the red and white shirts to make into the stripes at the bottom of the shirt.  Using the old hems made it so easy!  I cut them 4.5 by 8.  After I sewed the strips together, I just sewed them to the shirt at the right height.  I didn't cut the blue shirt at all so that he won't feel any of the piecing, and so my next step doesn't show through.

Iron on a star and stitch it down, and the first part of the costume is done!!!  Next step... add some muscles!!  I think he'd love just the t-shirt, and it took me less than an hour to make today.  But for a costume, we need more!  I'll share soon =)

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