
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Green Office Organized and Decorated!

Six weeks to go and one room done!!!  Well, that’s not really fair to say.  They’re all livable except the living room, but I’ve actually finished all the plans I came up with for one room!  And I’m trying not to add to that list at this point, just so I can bask in the done-ness of my to-do list.  So here’s what happened:

This room went from living space to office space.  It gets used SO much more now!  We really didn’t need two couches, so moving the real couch to the main living room and the desks out here is working for us.  And, I feel like I’m more centrally located, so when I check to see who im’d me in the middle of playing legos, I’m only cut off from the game for a minute or two, instead of being back in the blue room.  When I moved the black desk in here, I took care of a few organizational issues my favorite way… New baskets!

That little area in the black table that is actually for a vcr was a magnet for clutter… now it’s nicely concealed in the cute white baskets from Target.  Oh, and I actually wrote on my to-do list to remove the tags from the baskets… both the new ones and ones I bought six and 12 months ago… apparently all I found it necessary to do was rotate them so the tags were against the wall and forget about them.  =) And I got some plastic tubs for the inside so that all the stuff I piled next to the printer was contained.  It’s mostly educational games and toys that we only get out occasionally, like our pumpkin game

I really don’t like any of the woodwork in my kitchen, but I thought of something fun to do with the island.  I bought a white dry-erase board with a nice black frame and used super duper Velcro to attach it to the wall.  Now we have a nice little space to color together!  Serenity’s even getting pretty good at putting the lids back on =)  She’s getting a lot better at writing and making deliberate shapes, but we’re miles away from actual letters and such, I wonder when that happens?

And then the final item on my to-do list for this space… concealing all the cords under the desk!  Serenity’s not that interested in them, but I hated the look of it and I’m sure the new baby would have been curious about that pile of twisty cords and electricity.  So I hung a simple black curtain up to hide them.  It’s just stuck to the underside of my desk with the magic double stick Velcro, so it’ll be easy to take off or take down if Eric needs to work with the cords.  I say Eric because I’m not crawling under there again for at least the next six weeks, it was a tight squeeze ;)  

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