
Friday, July 29, 2011

Donovan's Nursery

Donovan's nursery is finally coming together!  And he's just seven weeks old =) He won't be sleeping in it until he's too big for the cradle though so I'm not terribly worried that it's taken this long since it had to be built from scratch!  Yesterday I found the perfect Curious George wall decals that I thought had been discontinued from Pottery Barn Kids, and that gave me just the impetus I needed to finally start hanging stuff up in there.
In case you're wondering, yes the bed is backwards.  Serenity keeps climbing in it whenever I'm not in the room.  This way at least she's not trying to climb up the drop down side. 

I opened my brand new Silhouette and used it to cut out the letters for his name, and then I arranged the kites, Curious George Decals, and name letters on the ceiling.  I love how the ceiling angles, it makes it seem like the kites are flying right overhead! Look here for the tutorial on how to make the kites =)

I also dressed a little set of shelves in the hallway just inside the door of his room with all the adorable Curious George stuff I got from my wonderful shower, along with the personalized blocks and the awesome scrapbook with photos of our wonderful friends in it!

Now I just want to make a little reading nook in the corner, and buy a chair for nursing when we move back upstairs.  Much better!


  1. Precious nursery!

  2. Wow - this is fabulous. Love Curious George and those kites are amazing. If you have a moment, I would be thrilled if you shared this project on my Inspiration Board {link party}.
    Hope to see you there.
    carolyn | homework

  3. Ooo Wow... the nursery looks superb. The monkey is so cute and the kites are beautiful. Great job.

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.

  4. We have loved Curious George for many years..could still watch his shows, and read the books..great nursery theme and looks perfect! Linking up from Kreative Korner linky party.
