
Monday, August 1, 2011

Pinterest Challenge =)

A couple of the blogs that I avidly follow, Young House Love and All Bower Power came up with a great idea, their Pinterest Challenge!  They are each taking one idea that they pinned to their Pinterest board and actually doing a project inspired by it!  I think this is so much fun because it's so easy to get carried away with pinning that you never actually finish anything =)  They are posting their projects tomorrow.  I just did a little one this time around.  I've been shopping for a new fancy camera and I played with my brother's to get this picture of Donovan.

I was inspired by this pin

I have a ways to go before my photography is as good as Katie's but I love learning about it! I'm going to print this and add it to my photo wall in my bedroom.  It's about time Donovan was represented up there by more than a blurry ultrasound pic =) 


  1. I can see why they do this with newborns =) Donovan doesn't sleep through anything anymore =) And he wants to be wrapped up when asleep!
