
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Shopping!

Christmas Shopping! 

I am just about done Christmas shopping… but don’t be mad.  That just means I can get started on my Christmas crafting!! =)  Serenity is just three, and Donovan is five months, so they don’t need tons of toys really.  They get so many hand me downs and grandparent gifts I feel like they are pretty content. =)  But I like to get them something from us, so we usually do a book and a toy or game, plus a few stocking stuffers.  I thought I’d share what I found because I’m especially excited! 

Sandra Boynton now does a personalized book!!!!!  It is so cool.  All of Serenity’s favorite books her first year were Boynton books.  They are adorably illustrated, so cute and funny enough that I never minded reading them a hundred times each.  So when I saw this I knew Donovan had to have it =)  Serenity would probably love it too, as she has really started loving her own personalized books lately.  We received a few as gifts for her first birthday, but the stories were a little long,  so we only read them a few times.  Well, around her third birthday, she started begging me to read these books to her nightly!  We have one that is Justice League, and one that is a Fairy Tale book that spells her name.  I think my Mom got that one for her at Pottery Barn a couple of years ago.  Anyway, I wanted to get her another book with her name in it, and found this:

You get to customize the main character!!! So not only does the book have her name in it, the little girl looks like her!  Little Girl Wonder!  I can’t wait to see her face when she opens it! 

On to the toys I have so far.  For Donovan I got the Fisher Price A-Z learning zoo.  I nearly got it for Serenity last year, but it’s a Fisher Price exclusive so you have to order it from them… and pay shipping!  I am an amazon prime member and have an instinctive aversion to paying for shipping.  And I worried she’d outgrow it too soon.  But after thinking about it all year, I decided Donovan would grow into it and I should just give in and get it.  I’ll have to review it after Christmas!

Then for Serenity, I got a play-doh ice cream set.  Legos and Play-doh are the two toys that Serenity plays with absolutely every week, and since I got her a couple of awesome lego duplo toys (the tube set and supermarket set) I decided to get her a new play-doh thing.  I may keep my eyes open for another board game, like Inchimals, but probably this will just about do it. 

So now to the drawing board to see what gift I will make them!  I’m thinking quiet book for Donovan… we’ll see!

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