
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rapunzel Day

We just got back from an excellent trip to Cali!  We have family there =)  Yesterday was a total rest at home day to catch up and get back in the right time zone, so we had a movie marathon day.  I didn't take any pictures, because part of playing catch up is downloading the thousand pictures I took last week.  But I'll just tell you about the day anyway, because it turned out to be fun!

Serenity chose Tangled, and we ended up playing it three times yesterday.  She almost never watches a movie straight through, there are breaks for playtime.  Today, she asked to make a lantern like Rapunzel's, so I took a plain piece of printer paper, and added dots to it that Serenity could connect them to make the sun design.  Then we taped it up into a cylinder and I added one of those led tea lights, and voila!  It was quick and a big hit =)

Then she wanted to use her play-doh.  We have these fun little letter cutters for the play-doh, and she wanted to spell everyone's names from the movie.  So I helped her figure out which letters she needed for the names (She wanted to do two u's for Rapunzel, and who could blame her?  And what's with the Y for an I in Flynn? =)  Then she put them in the right order.  And she rolled out a long piece of play-doh and said it looked like Rapunzel's hair, so I made her a little doll out of play-doh to attach it to.  For some reason she loves the people I make with play-doh, even though they look like creepy voodoo dolls to me.  Oh well. =)

Then we played pretend.  She was Rapunzel, Papa was Max (the horse) and I was Pascal.  Just goes to show who the important people are in the movie. =)  If she gets really into dress up, I may make her a wig like Lier did on ikatbag: you can see it here.

We also read this book to round out Rapunzel Day =)  Serenity can read it herself, but we usually take turns. 


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