
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pumpkin Fun... it's not too late is it?

Pumpkin Patch! 

So I used our visit to the pumpkin patch to test out my spiffy new lens, the Canon E/F 50mm.  The cool thing about this lens is it goes to f/1.8, which is a nice low f-stop that will let me get pics with fancy blurred backgrounds.  I really wanted this lens because my house is ALWAYS messy so I’d like to have the option to make that fade so the pictures focus on what’s important… the kids. =)  So I basically put my camera on AV mode, which makes me choose the aperture, and played around!  It was really interesting.  I am a total newbie when it comes to the DSLR, and when I first started using this lens I felt like I had everything in a microscope!  It seems to zoom in close even though it’s so short.  It’s interesting, and kind of a challenge since I’m used to having to get in my subject’s face to get a close up.  I like it though, and I’m getting some fun results.  I’m not good enough yet to go full manual, so I practice things like shutter speed, aperture, and iso one at a time.  Here are a couple of my favorite pics!
See, Serenity is in focus, nice fuzzy pumpkins

All the random people, fuzzy, Serenity and her horse, in focus!

And here’s a fun activity you can do with your pumpkins, assuming you haven’t thrown yours all out since it’s after Halloween already =)  We didn’t carve ours so they’re still good. 
Playdoh Pumpkin Decorating!

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