
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Valentine Class Party Planning!!! (Post Office)

Well, after way too much mental debate, I settled on a theme for Serenity's class party: Post Office!  I asked Serenity if she was excited about the Valentine party and she said yes, we need to deliver things!  So I thought we could play post office.  I had seen this great cardboard craft on and I made my own version of the big mailbox!  It has a slot at the top, and a flip down drawer thingy, and a door at the back to get mail out of.  I plan to make lots of pretend mail for the kids to deliver to each other and their teachers.

At Target I got little tin mailboxes out of the dollar bin and some stickers to decorate them with.  Easy and inexpensive favors!!!

And see this inconspicuous pile of canvas?  Well, that is the prototype for my next project... mailman bags!  I'll tell more about those later, assuming I can make 26 of them in time. =) 

Some other awesome Valentine ideas that my sister has done with her older sons class include an Iron Chef party, where she got tons of ingredients for crazy rice krispie treats and the kids teamed up to make the best concoction.  Andes Mints, Fruity Pebbles, chocolate chips, all kinds of choices.  Some kids put everything in, and then didn't even want to eat their own creation, but they all had a blast!  Judging was difficult =)
She's also doing a lego party, where the older kids are challenged to make Valentine-y things out of legos in teams.  Hearts, bow and arrows, that sort of thing.  Sounds like fun, I wish I could go!!!


  1. That's so cute! I want to make a mailbox now! :)

  2. What a fun theme for a Valentine's Day party!! Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
