
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Moose Head =)

My nephew Casey is turning ten this year!  It’s insane =)  He’s such a fun, awesome kid.  They recently moved to a new house so he got to decorate a room just the way he wanted it.  It looks like it came directly out of the Pottery Barn catalog, he has good taste =) He loved this moose head, but since Pottery Barn prices are a little scary, I offered to make it for them. 

Here’s the inspiration…

And here’s how mine turned out!  We haven’t figured out yet how we’re hanging it, we’ll have to figure it out after I get it to their house.  My dad cut out a basic moose head shape with his jigsaw.  This took a LONG time because of all the curves, but he did a fantastic job!  Then my job was to sand, stain, and seal it. 

Then Dad took it back and attached little boards all around the back.  He had drilled holes through these boards so he could wire an LED rope light all around the moose.  I love how it turns out, I can’t wait to see Casey’s face!!!

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