Two posts in one day! That's more like it =) Well, maybe they're both quickies but still. Here's a picture of my Thanksgiving centerpiece. Pumpkins leftover from our pumpkin patch visit, and a floral centerpiece.
To make this centerpiece yourself, here's a list of the flowers I chose. First, in a short rectangular vase, start with an antique green hydrangea and an ornamental kale. They're nice and big so they fill the vase well and hold the rest of the flowers in place. They hydrangea is a bit pricey but it makes up for it by taking up so much space! Then I added a lily, some celosia, two peonies, a few cymbidium orchids, and some parrot tulips. It's a fun mix!
And then here's my menu, which would be a good Christmas menu too. So I'll go ahead and publish it even though it's too late for Thanksgiving ideas =)
Carolyn's Orange Rolls
Orange Apricot glazed turkey (Basically just stick orange slices and butter under the skin of the turkey breast, pour chicken stock and brush with apricot jelly, bake as directed on package.)
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato, Onion, Potato, Parmesan casserole (just slice and layer those ingredients, add some chicken broth, butter, and parmesan, then bake for an hour. Easy and yummy!)
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie with Cranberry Topping (An experiment this year that turned out yummy!)
Coconut Pie
I was really happy with this because really I managed to do all the prep (except for the dough that I made the night before) in about an hour and a half in the morning, and then all I had to do was stick things in the oven at the right time. =)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving... a picture of mine =)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, we managed to make a turkey craft, just barely! I finally got some new sticky foam, my go-to craft supply for my two year old, so we were back in business. And here it is! She spelled Happy herself =)
The first turkey I just asked her what color feathers she wanted to do... The second time she chose everything from the paper, to the feathers, to the body =) Can you imagine that she chose pink? It would have been solid pink but I didn't have any big pink pieces of foam so she went for purple =)
The first turkey I just asked her what color feathers she wanted to do... The second time she chose everything from the paper, to the feathers, to the body =) Can you imagine that she chose pink? It would have been solid pink but I didn't have any big pink pieces of foam so she went for purple =)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Frog Prince Quilt
Here is a quilt that I made a while ago for my friends the Hoppers. They planned on a frog theme for their son Nate's nursery, so I decided to make him a frog prince quilt! I used a couple of applique techniques, including the freezer paper kind for the hearts and circles, and then using iron on steam a seam for the frogs and stitching around it on my machine. I just sketched a very simple frog, gave him a crown, and added golden balls to complete the story. =) The pattern is simple, I just used various sizes of squares and rectangles to give it a fun, flowing look.
It's a great design for someone new to quilting or applique, because the piecing is all straight lines, and there's just a little bit of the applique. I usually use coloring books or just sketch very simple things to applique, I don't get enough practice to consider myself good at it, I feel like I relearn it every time!
It's a great design for someone new to quilting or applique, because the piecing is all straight lines, and there's just a little bit of the applique. I usually use coloring books or just sketch very simple things to applique, I don't get enough practice to consider myself good at it, I feel like I relearn it every time!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Party Idea: Thanksgiving on a Stick
Party Idea: Thanksgiving on a Stick
When we lived in California, every Thanksgiving we would have two dinners, one with Eric’s family and one with friends. I got to help out a lot with the cooking for the friend dinner, and it was a blast because Patricia and I would try to come up with some sort of twist so the food was a little different than the traditional meal so no one got tired of having the same food twice. Although I never get tired of turkey. Still, it’s fun to play!
One year we decided to have Thanksgiving on a Stick. We made turkey kabobs, and put turkey, cranberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even corn on the cob right on to the skewers! We just used our favorite turkey marinade to keep the meat moist. It was fun and so very easy! I think the only problem was the potatoes weren’t quite as done as I usually like, next time I will probably par-boil them for a few minutes first so they get done at the same time as everything else. We made a gravy and cranberry sauce for dipping.
And for dessert, of course we had fondue! Marshmallows, rice krispie treats, and various fruit! We did a basic chocolate, but it might be fun to try this Spiked Cranberry Orange Fondue (maybe make pumpkin bars to dip in it, yum!) or Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Little Cardboard Fun
Well, I got off work a little bit early and so had some baby-free time to get a little preliminary Christmas shopping done. Which is dangerous for me, because I really can't seem to hold presents until Christmas if I have more than a month to wait. I bought a steering wheel
to add to Serenity's outdoor playstructure, and then immediately pulled it out for her to play with =) She really loves this Dora episode where Isa the Iguana is steering a boat, and after watching her play with it on the floor for a day or so I had this little brainstorm...
Yes, my living room is now filled with a big, cardboard sailboat. We've had a blast with it though! It's pretty simple to make. I cut off about a foot and a half from the bottom of a dishwasher box, and then cut out a shape that looked boat-like to me for the bottom of the boat. Making the sail was a little more complicated, I used a long piece of cardboard and wrapped it into a tall rectangle, and then cut slits in the bottom of the boat and slid the flaps at the bottom of the rectangle into it, and taped it down. I used one of our silk scarves for a sail, and rigged her fancy new steering wheel on a cardboard box. You could make a wheel out of cardboard too though! She's had a lot of fun with this, pretending to fish
, asking me for a yellow coat and blue hat (like Little Bear wears in Gone Fishing) and of course, turning the wheel.
Yes, my living room is now filled with a big, cardboard sailboat. We've had a blast with it though! It's pretty simple to make. I cut off about a foot and a half from the bottom of a dishwasher box, and then cut out a shape that looked boat-like to me for the bottom of the boat. Making the sail was a little more complicated, I used a long piece of cardboard and wrapped it into a tall rectangle, and then cut slits in the bottom of the boat and slid the flaps at the bottom of the rectangle into it, and taped it down. I used one of our silk scarves for a sail, and rigged her fancy new steering wheel on a cardboard box. You could make a wheel out of cardboard too though! She's had a lot of fun with this, pretending to fish
This would be great fun for a sailing birthday party =) I drew on the waves, but you could let the kids decorate it with paints or poster markers.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Library Book Review: Little Pea
Serenity and I go to the library at least once a week, so I've worked up quite a list of books now that we both love! I thought I'd post about some of them now and again in case someone is looking for new book recommendations!
Today we got Little Pea
, by Amy Krouse Rosenthall. It was wonderful! The story is about a happy little pea that loves a lot of things, but hates candy. Peas have to eat candy for dinner every night, and he hates candy. I don't think Serenity really understands the whole irony thing, but she finds it hilarious when he's forced to eat his candy and says, "yuck, blech" and so on. And when he finally gets to eat his dessert, he says "yum, yum, extra yum!" which also sends her into a fit of giggles. =) So probably a slightly older kid would find it even funnier, but she's still loving it at age two =)
Today we got Little Pea
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fall Wreath =)
Well, I think it still counts as fall at least, my trees still have some leaves, so this isn't too late. My friend Abbey hosted a great wreath making party. They all made holiday wreaths but I just couldn't justify buying new supplies when I had this project all planned out! I had been wanting to make a big letter W for our front door, and when I saw this tutorial on the Thrifty Decor Chick, I thought I could adjust it to work for mine! I admit my leaves are not from the dollar store, they are from Jo-Ann's, but I got them last year when Fall stuff went on 90% off so it was still a good deal =) And here is the result!
A little x-acto knife on a foam board, some hot glue and voila! =) Very easy! I haven't decided if I want it on the front door or on my mantel, we'll see. I got some chocolate satin to hang it with.
A little x-acto knife on a foam board, some hot glue and voila! =) Very easy! I haven't decided if I want it on the front door or on my mantel, we'll see. I got some chocolate satin to hang it with.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
DIY Nursery Art: Serenity's Storybook Nursery
Since my first pregnancy seemed to take FOREVER, I had plenty of time for lots of crafting! I settled on a storybook theme, figuring it would work for a boy or a girl and I just couldn't wait twenty whole weeks to start making baby stuff. One of the first projects I tackled was this easy canvas wall art. We were living in an apartment that we didn't plan to paint, so the nursery needed lots of color! Here's how I got it:
I wanted alphabet wall art that fit my storybook theme, so I chose a different fairy tale or character from my favorite books for each letter of the alphabet. Let me tell you now, some letters are easier than others. I almost gave up on I and Q. But first, here is how I did it. The process is very simple. I just found coloring books or free coloring pages from all over the internet for each section of my pictures. Then I held the picture and the canvas up to the window and traced it in pencil onto the canvas. I printed the letter in a font I liked (I used Dolphin I believe) and traced it as well. Then I used bright acrylic paints to fill in the colors. Then for the challenging part =) I traced around all the pencil lines with a black sharpie. Veeerry carefully. I went through several sharpies, they get dull after a while!
I bought 3 canvases in size 18 by 20 and 3 in 20 by 20. I really liked the square ones best but I got a great deal on the 18 by 20. I put four or five letters on each one. I planned to hang them two across by three down, so I got out my colored pencils and planned the colors so that the same color was never next to it. I also made it work in case I decided to hang it in one long line, which I have also done. =)
Here is the A-D canvas. You can see that I didn't want all the squares to be the same size, so I mixed it up. Some are ten by ten, Curious George is ten by twelve, and so on. Graph paper and colored pencils were my best friend on this project =)
And then here is the list of what each letter stands for (with extra options in parenthesis)
A: Alice in Wonderland (Ariel)
B: Babar (Berenstain Bears)
C: Curious George (Cheshire Cat, Care Bears, Corduroy)
D: Dragon (I was thinking of the one in the Paper Bag Princess, but Serenity thinks it's a pic of a dinosaur anyway. =)
E: Eeyore (Eloise)
F: Fairy (We used Tinkerbell here because we had lots of cute T choices. Also considered Fish for Rainbow Fish)
G: Gonzo (Had to have a muppet. Also the Genie from Aladdin)
H: Harry Potter
I: Inigo Montoya (This was the HARDEST! I also considered Incredibles but they aren't really from a book... Anyway, to get this picture I took a picture of Captain Hook and modified it to look more like the guy from the movie. Princess Bride is a great book at least =)
J: Jemima Puddleduck (Jasmine. I didn't want TOO many Disney Princesses on here though, and Beatrix Potter rocks.)
K: Kanga and Roo (Ditto with too many Winnie the Pooh characters, two was pushing it but I didn't have a better K and I HAD to use eeyore =)
L: Little Mermaid (Little Bo Peep)
M: Madeline (Mulan, Mouse from the Give a Mouse a Cookie book.)
N: Nancy Drew (Also hard to get a good pic of, I was proud it turned out slightly recognizable. Thought of Narnia but how do you draw that?)
O: Oz (I can't believe it now, but back then I didn't know Olivia the Pig!!! So much easier to draw!)
P: Paddington Bear (Peter Rabbit, Pippi Longstocking, Peter Pan, Puff the Magic Dragon)
Q: Queen Lucy of Narnia (Cheating a little bit, but I just don't like the Queen of Hearts! And this way I worked the Narnia books in.)
R: Raggedy Ann and Andy (Rainbow Fish)
S: Snow White (Sam I am)
T: Thing One and Thing Two (Tikki Tikki Tembo, Tinkerbell, Tigger)
U: Unicorn (From the Last Unicorn... Hence the purple mane and tail, although that's just in the cartoon version.)
V: Velveteen Rabbit
W: Wild Things
X: X-Men (Also a stretch. My friend Jack drew versions for me =)
Y: Yertle the Turtle
Z: Zazu
I wanted alphabet wall art that fit my storybook theme, so I chose a different fairy tale or character from my favorite books for each letter of the alphabet. Let me tell you now, some letters are easier than others. I almost gave up on I and Q. But first, here is how I did it. The process is very simple. I just found coloring books or free coloring pages from all over the internet for each section of my pictures. Then I held the picture and the canvas up to the window and traced it in pencil onto the canvas. I printed the letter in a font I liked (I used Dolphin I believe) and traced it as well. Then I used bright acrylic paints to fill in the colors. Then for the challenging part =) I traced around all the pencil lines with a black sharpie. Veeerry carefully. I went through several sharpies, they get dull after a while!
I bought 3 canvases in size 18 by 20 and 3 in 20 by 20. I really liked the square ones best but I got a great deal on the 18 by 20. I put four or five letters on each one. I planned to hang them two across by three down, so I got out my colored pencils and planned the colors so that the same color was never next to it. I also made it work in case I decided to hang it in one long line, which I have also done. =)
Here is the A-D canvas. You can see that I didn't want all the squares to be the same size, so I mixed it up. Some are ten by ten, Curious George is ten by twelve, and so on. Graph paper and colored pencils were my best friend on this project =)
And then here is the list of what each letter stands for (with extra options in parenthesis)
A: Alice in Wonderland (Ariel)
B: Babar (Berenstain Bears)
C: Curious George (Cheshire Cat, Care Bears, Corduroy)
D: Dragon (I was thinking of the one in the Paper Bag Princess, but Serenity thinks it's a pic of a dinosaur anyway. =)
E: Eeyore (Eloise)
F: Fairy (We used Tinkerbell here because we had lots of cute T choices. Also considered Fish for Rainbow Fish)
G: Gonzo (Had to have a muppet. Also the Genie from Aladdin)
H: Harry Potter
I: Inigo Montoya (This was the HARDEST! I also considered Incredibles but they aren't really from a book... Anyway, to get this picture I took a picture of Captain Hook and modified it to look more like the guy from the movie. Princess Bride is a great book at least =)
J: Jemima Puddleduck (Jasmine. I didn't want TOO many Disney Princesses on here though, and Beatrix Potter rocks.)
K: Kanga and Roo (Ditto with too many Winnie the Pooh characters, two was pushing it but I didn't have a better K and I HAD to use eeyore =)
L: Little Mermaid (Little Bo Peep)
M: Madeline (Mulan, Mouse from the Give a Mouse a Cookie book.)
N: Nancy Drew (Also hard to get a good pic of, I was proud it turned out slightly recognizable. Thought of Narnia but how do you draw that?)
O: Oz (I can't believe it now, but back then I didn't know Olivia the Pig!!! So much easier to draw!)
P: Paddington Bear (Peter Rabbit, Pippi Longstocking, Peter Pan, Puff the Magic Dragon)
Q: Queen Lucy of Narnia (Cheating a little bit, but I just don't like the Queen of Hearts! And this way I worked the Narnia books in.)
R: Raggedy Ann and Andy (Rainbow Fish)
S: Snow White (Sam I am)
T: Thing One and Thing Two (Tikki Tikki Tembo, Tinkerbell, Tigger)
U: Unicorn (From the Last Unicorn... Hence the purple mane and tail, although that's just in the cartoon version.)
V: Velveteen Rabbit
W: Wild Things
X: X-Men (Also a stretch. My friend Jack drew versions for me =)
Y: Yertle the Turtle
Z: Zazu
Ribbon Headband for the Ballerina and other details
Well, I intended to get this posted BEFORE Halloween, but better late than never =) And honestly, she's still wanting to play dress up in her costume. We like costumes anytime!
The costume didn't really need much, as we already had a tutu. I bought a long sleeved shirt and leggings set from Target, figuring we could use them anytime. (And we have, even after she finally gave up the tutu the pink pants and shirt were her pajamas for several nights...) I sewed a few silk flowers to the shirt.
She has pink crocs that I tied some ribbons to and then wrapped them around her legs, and stuck them with a little sticky velcro where I tied the bow. If I did it again I think I would just sew the ribbons directly to the pants, as they wanted to slide down, and when we needed to take the shoes off so she could play in the bounce house at the carnival they kind of got in the way. Cute though.
And finally, the headband. I am really excited about this because it is the first piece of hair management that she has willingly left on her head! I may make a whole bunch more because her hair has gotten to the point that it annoys her. I found a tutorial here, which made it so simple. Just two hair ties tied together, and then sew the ribbon through the loop. I embellished it with a few more silk flowers, and voila! A cute ballet headband =)
The costume didn't really need much, as we already had a tutu. I bought a long sleeved shirt and leggings set from Target, figuring we could use them anytime. (And we have, even after she finally gave up the tutu the pink pants and shirt were her pajamas for several nights...) I sewed a few silk flowers to the shirt.
She has pink crocs that I tied some ribbons to and then wrapped them around her legs, and stuck them with a little sticky velcro where I tied the bow. If I did it again I think I would just sew the ribbons directly to the pants, as they wanted to slide down, and when we needed to take the shoes off so she could play in the bounce house at the carnival they kind of got in the way. Cute though.
And finally, the headband. I am really excited about this because it is the first piece of hair management that she has willingly left on her head! I may make a whole bunch more because her hair has gotten to the point that it annoys her. I found a tutorial here, which made it so simple. Just two hair ties tied together, and then sew the ribbon through the loop. I embellished it with a few more silk flowers, and voila! A cute ballet headband =)
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