What to do when stuck in your house for more than a week because of the “Snow of the Century.” Well, for me, it was clear out all the activities I’d been saving in my google reader. Here they are:
Valentines (several different kinds, but my favorite so far is this
shape bear from Ramblings of a SAHM which we just added several extra hearts to. It was for Daddy. Serenity would make Valentines for Daddy every day if she could =)
Serenity was actually helpful in the kitchen this time! She helped measure ingredients, pour, and stir! It was so much fun we did way too much in the kitchen this week. Cupcakes and Rice Krispies and snow ice cream... not good for my "healthy" diet. Oh well, we had a blast! I just pulled a stepstool in for her so she could reach the counter. Oh, and she even cracked eggs! Of course, I was right there to make sure they landed in the bowl, but it's a step =)
So far, I’m lucky. Serenity doesn’t seem to mind too much that she hasn’t left the house in more than a week, and that she’s only played outside a few times with her Daddy. She did get to have Daddy work from home all week, which was nice! =)
Our Snow Turtle |
Our "sled"- A tub with a luggage strap for pulling around our yard. Eric and I don't drive in snow =) He's from Cali and I'm from Tulsa... not enough experience to make it worth it to get out! |
As for me, I’m either nesting or just lacking in other things to do because I went on an organizing kick. I cleaned and organized my entire downstairs, except for the office closet which is a major challenge that will need to be addressed at bedtime. Of course, this means I reorganized things like the pantry which will probably need help again when I finally get out and buy groceries. Sigh.
You would think I would have had tons of time to blog, but instead I’ve been digi scrapbooking like a maniac at nap and bedtimes to take advantage of a great sale at Inkubook, where I buy my photobooks right now. So I am finally finally caught up to New Years in my scrapbook! I’ll post some of my favorite pages soon!
Well, if you’re like me and expecting more snow this week, hopefully some of these activities will come in handy =) I’ll be out looking for more to do! Maybe this week will be a sewing week since last week was all scrapbooking.