A few years ago for my husband’s birthday, I organized a birthday kidnapping. Several of our wonderful willing friends broke into our apartment while he was sleeping, and swept him off to a day filled with all his favorite activities! Check out the special birthday crown he’s wearing =) They tossed some confetti on him and bundled him out in his comforter. I made sure to send him real clothes to wear later!

Then we all caravanned to Marilyn and Andrew’s place for breakfast. They made some wonderful egg things and we had hot chocolate. Eric got a chance to shower and wash the snow out of his hair. I had packed him a suitcase, but since I didn’t want him to be able to guess what the plan for the day was, I packed everything. I packed t-shirts, sweaters, a hat, his swimsuit, a tie, his jock strap…. literally some of everything =) After the shower he first came out in his swimsuit, a tie, and his birthday hat =)
Then we had a rousing game of Epic Duels! (A board game we love!) We had to play Epic Duels on his birthday, it’s getting to be a tradition! Then Eric got to go to a comic book store.

Meanwhile, the rest of us were back at the apartment decorating like nuts! I bought a BIG roll of green streamers, green and silver stars and silver swirly things that we strung up everywhere. Oh, and of course balloons. Everyone asked if Eric liked green, and I said sure, he likes Green Lantern and Kermit the Frog… but really I chose green because it didn’t clash with my Christmas decorations =) We also started taking pictures of everyone in Eric’s silly hats for his surprise birthday present. His birthday present from me, besides the party, was a scrapbook of all his favorite pictures. The ones he likes best are the crazy ones =) I’ll try to put up pictures of his scrapbook pages later so you can all see the crazy pictures everyone took =)

After decorating and buying out the comic book store, we met Ann and John for lunch at a Pho restaurant.
After Pho, Eric got to play online games with a bunch of his friends! After Dota, they went rock climbing and then came back to our apartment where we surprised him with a Rice Krispie Chessboard! The black squares are made with Cocoa Krispies! It was so fun, and he and Jack actually played. Eric didn’t win, at least partially because he actually ate all the pieces he took =)

I had almost forgotten about the long hair phase - such a fun party!